Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I Don't Get It: High Heels

We all know it, so I'm just going to say it. I'm short. I don't like it, but there it is.

High heeled shoes should be my greatest love, but I hate them. What sadist came up with this torturous bit of brilliance, anyway? They are uncomfortable. They hurt my feet, mess up my posture, the taller ones have to be at least a little bit dangerous, and let's face it, they're one of fashion's more dishonest items (Spanx or padded bras I think win that category). "No really, I'm this tall, and my calves always have this impressive muscular looking indentation..."

For me, I feel a little self conscious in heels, like everyone must be looking at me the way they do a guy in a bad toupe or driving a souped up I'm-trying-to-compensate-for-something sports car- "Look at the short girl trying to look tall." with a half pity-filled, half sneering head tilt. I don't need that grief, even if I'm only imagining it.

I haven't ever really needed heels. I only ever had one boyfriend who was tall enough that I had to stand on a step to be anywhere near his face, otherwise, I've never had moments where I haven't worn heels but wished I had.

I'm far too practical I think, as I think about things like getting mugged, or Noah running into the road- I need the ability to run. I cannot run in high heels. I cannot balance babies and diaper bags when I wear heels. My impressionable teen years were spent playing soccer (cleats), riding horses (equestrian boots) and babysitting (socks). Not a stiletto in sight.

Why haven't women as a whole realized that the guys are running around pain free, using their entire foot to propel themselves around, while we stand there in heels? Or we gingerly follow behind, aerating the grass as we go. Don't you think visitors from another planet would take one look at us and assume we were all being punished for something?

I can appreciate a nice dress shoe, on occasion, with a little boost in the back for creating a bit of a feminine line, a slightly dance-y walk. But wear anything too tall, and you know if the balls of your feet could talk, they'd be screaming for mercy. Or swearing.

And winter?! Crossing an icy parking lot in high heels could easily qualify as an extreme sport. I swear I can actually hear the low voices of commentators critiquing my technique or lack thereof as I exit church some freezing Sundays. "She's going to have to stay focused and stick that curb landing after such a disappointing bumper grab by the minivan earlier..."

I may be in the minority on this one. But tall girls don't need to be taller, short girls aren't fooling anyone. I'd like to adopt an all flip flops or boots policy for myself, but in the meantime, just know that any time I'm wearing heels, you can totally steal my purse and I won't be able to do a dang thing about it.


Kristen said...

Well I kind if feel the same way about boots. I always feel dorky in them.

I bought my first pair of heels a few years ago. I never felt the need to be taller. But I couldn't find any flat shoes that were cute that fit me so I bought heels. And I found that they're not all that bad. And they made me feel more dressy. This was my way of showing that I'm not just a tomboy. (As if there's anything wrong with that.) But the novelty is kind of wearing off so maybe I'll go on strike with you.

Just the other day my friend fractured her ankle. She doesn't care about the pain but she's distraught that she can't wear heels for two whole months. Poor girl.

Almost bedtime said...

Hi Wendy. I'm totally with you on this one. I usually buy my shoes from Winners. And I usually buy Puma trainers that are comfortable to chase the kids in. Apart from one time I noticed to my horror that a dad in the park was wearing the exact same shoes. I nearly died. I must have picked them up from the men's shoe section by mistake!

Rochester Team Member said...

Wendy, I used to feel like you. But I have to say I have come around to heels. I did use to feel like I was a little kid playing dress up and that's why I wouldn't wear them. But I don't anymore--maybe it's getting older and not caring what people think. I totally agree that flat shoes, especially running are sooo comfortable. But I've learned to navigate around in my heeled boots, I have to admit I love them :0

Rochester Team Member said...

Wendy this is Ada, unfortunately I am blog handicapped, so I need to figure out how to change this blog signature and get my own info in there. Enjoyed your blog

Adhis said...

I like that I now know when I can steal your purse.

Purses: I don't 'get' them. I'm trying to. I have 4 now that I've bought trying to get used to carrying purses. I rather a backpack so I can sprint away in my high heels.

High heels: I've run in them since middle school (usually chasing after the school bus). There are different types and some are easier to walk in than others, based on the design of the heel. I've also found the more securely attached to my foot the front of the shoe is, the easier it is to walk in heels.

Well, my job of futile convincication of Wendy is done.

(P.S. My word verification is "tryons". Even Blogger wants you to give high heels a chance.)

Kristen said...

I dunno - at first glance, "tryons" made me think of "Klingons." =o)

chelon:) said...

hehe! you ladies are funny. I HAVE to wear heels...all of my shoes have a heel (except running shoes and maybe a couple flip flops). I feel weird wearing flats. Am I crazy? I wish that I could wear flats more. But I love the way my calves look in a heel... even though I am always taller than my hubby. Call me selfish, I LOVE THEM! Did I convince you yet? :)