People who offer themselves rather than trite words.
People who are somehow there for you even when they're miles and miles away.
People who "get" my boy with special needs and treat him like the awesome person he is.
People who leave notes of support when you're suffering, and they don't even really know you.
People who appear out of nowhere right when you're pretty sure you'll shortly lose your mind.
People who offer help no one else can, and don't care one bit if anyone else ever knows about it.
People who almost effortlessly gain the undying love of my kids.
People who have a laugh and a huge smile for Duncan as he jogs through Target, hair flying in all directions, saying "Otay, Mummy!" to every direction I give him.
People who know when and how to laugh with you, and know when to weep with you, too.
People who are raising more good people.
People who keep in touch even when you're having a stretch of not being so good at it.
People who you know won't talk about you behind your back when you leave the room.
People who remember days or events that matter to you, even some of the time.
People who still rejoice when a baby is born, even in Utah where that happens a lot.
This has been on my mind lately, as this has been a very rough year for us. I'm glad I've shed tears over people's goodness so often this year, not just over the bad stuff. I learned from my best visiting teacher ever, to just offer what you can give. Instead of "Call if you need anything.", it was "I can do A or B on any of these days, what would help the most?". There are no small or useless offers when you're offering yourself in any way. A former teacher of Noah's gets him, thinks he's hilarious and entirely lovable, and probably has no idea how much I love and enjoy how much she loves and enjoys him. It makes my day. Noah's too. I am sooo not as talented at some things as other people I know, but I'm good at other stuff. That "other stuff" might be just what someone else needs. I wish I could adequately thank all the good people in my life (hopefully you all know who you are), but mostly I plan to just spread all that good stuff around. Yup.