Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Week: The Reviews Are In

The Good
Being a part of one of my very best friend's labour and delivery, and Mom and baby being well
Time off of our regular schedule
Amazing food
Time with friends (though some of it was much too short)
Surviving Blizzard 2010
Time for movies
Now everybody else will join me in ramping up for Christmas

The Bad
The week-end went by way too quickly
I'm realizing how little time I have and how much I have to do before Christmas
My birthday is fast approaching and they're not all they're cracked up to be anymore
No one forecasted the actual snow storm and the "blizzard" was 15 minutes of snowfall that didn't stick
Haircuts, cleaning and organizing that didn't quite happen

The Ugly
Noah's worst seizure week since they started 2 and a 1/2 years ago
Very little sleep because of the above
Wishing far-away family and friends, well, weren't
I've been seriously considering a smack -down death match with Noah's neurologist's office

I hope your "Good" list from this last week is your longest list too.


Kat said...

Glad to hear that you had some good among the seizure week you had. I can understand how frustrated you can get at doctors. Especially when it involves your sweet children. Good luck, and let me know if you need anything. I am kinda close. :)

CBG said...

You're so awesome, Kat. Thank-you. I know you must understand where I'm coming from with Noah's Docs. I've had to come out swinging way more often than I'd like. But somebody has to.

Kristen said...

Last week was a nightmare to schedule but SO fun. Aside from the holiday, we had a family baby shower, neighbor funeral, friend bridal shower, neice baptism, and talk in church. In two days. And I provided food for all of them. YIKES.

Get right on that neurologist! Whatever your frustration is, your little boy deserves answers and care. I hope you never have a week like that again.