Friday, January 14, 2011


I am slightly green. With envy.

My husband gets to go to Spain. I am in love with Europe. He got some random job and gets to go for a week next month. He will miss Valentine's Day, and his birthday. More importantly, he will have access to bread, cheese, and chocolate that trumps anything I have ever eaten on this continent. He's also in for an architectural feast like nothing he's ever experienced.


I'm happy for him.



Rebecca R. Farnsworth said...

Congrats on the job. Too bad you can't both go. Maybe he'll bring you some chocolate. :)

Katy said...

Oh, I'm jealous, too! Is there any way you can go along, even for part of it? Even if not, at least you can live vicariously through him!

Kristen said...

Now he knows what to bring back for you!

On a completely different level, I'm amused when Ben tells me the different places he went for lunch with clients and mentions how he feels bad that I couldn't go with him. Yeah, almost as bad as the one eating PB&J every day. =o)

Kat said...

Can he fit you into his suitcase? I know that if Bill got to go to Spain that I would TOTALLY be tucked into his luggage. LOL :) Tell him that he has to bring you back some yummy treats!