Monday, February 15, 2010

Having a Moment

Being the mom of a special needs child means ups and downs enough to give you whiplash. Here's an up and a down all mixed in one:
I was putting a video on for Noah, and he was looking at me, super present, smiling. You have to grab these moments with a kid like Noah because a lot of the time he keeps to himself or does his own thing.
Me: "Guess what?"
Noah: "Guess what?" back to me, looking me right in the eye, which doesn't always happen. A sweet, rare Mother-Son moment with my boy, I was thinking.
Me: "I love you so much, Noey."
Noah: "WOMBAT???"

Yup. That was our moment.


Adhis said...

He was so much fun to have in nursery for the short time I was there.

(Shhh- he was my favorite.)

Stephanie said...

Reading this was just the best part of my day.
And I've got a great mental picture/video of the whole thing. :)

CBG said...

Well, wombat to all of you.